Stocks Portfolio: Mar 2017

Disclaimer: This is just a running diary where I consolidate my portfolio status on a monthly level, usually at the end of the month. This is in NO WAY an Investment Advice and is not intended to be a recommendation. Please check with a SEBI registered financial adviser for legal advice before investing.

March has an unique knack of showering dividends due to the financial year closure and this year was no different. Some good dividends meant I bought some of the stocks purely from dividend money. I will address the dividend part in a separate post shortly. From this month onwards, I have split my personal portfolio into two.

Core Portfolio comprising of bell-weather giants and mainly large-cap companies that should provide stability to my portfolio as well as augment it through dividend income.

Growth Portfolio comprising of mid, small or micro cap companies that can provide a potential impetus in future. I had tried this earlier, but couldn’t succeed and hence, this is my latest re-attempt.

Self Portfolio – Core:


Self Portfolio – Growth:


Spouse Portfolio:


Suggestions/comments/feedback is always welcome

4 thoughts on “Stocks Portfolio: Mar 2017

      1. How old is your portfolio. I guess it is 2 years now? How do you generally benchmark your performance?


      2. This portfolio is around an year old technically due to some churning I did at the end of last financial year. I am not really comparing against a benchmark, but my expectation is to generate a dividend income of around 4-6% (I know it’s pretty steep) as well as grow my portfolio at 12% CAGR.


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